Join Us

Sunday Worship starts at 10:00 a.m.  Children are always welcome, and an activity space for them is available in the Sanctuary.

First Church is located in the beautiful little town of Millbury, Massachusetts. We are situated on a hilltop at 148 West Main Street, just a few miles southwest from downtown Millbury and Route 146.

If you have to dress up all week for work and want to come to church in more casual attire you are welcome to do so. On the other hand, some people who grew up getting dressed up for church still like to do so and we celebrate that too.  Who doesn’t love a great Sunday bonnet?  You will find a diversity of expression in our midst each Sunday.  All are celebrated and welcome.

What to Expect

Entering a new church for the first time can be quite intimidating:
Where do I go?  What do I do?  What am I going to experience?

Let’s try to answer some of your questions.

  • Parking and Entry – First Church has our own parking lot next to the church. It can be accessed from West Main Street or Beach Street.  There are front stairs that enter directly into our narthex and sanctuary, and there is a side door off of the parking that leads to our Fellowship Hall, as well as stairs and an accessibility lift to our sanctuary.  Signs just inside the door will guide you.  Our Sanctuary, upstairs restroom, and Fellowship hall are handicap accessible.


  • Greeting – As you enter the Sanctuary, a Deacon will greet you and ask if you would like a name tag and to sign our guest book. At the sanctuary door, one of our deacons will provide you with a copy of the program.  They can also assist with seating.  


  • Order of Worship – We try to make our program bulletin as friendly as possible to ensure everyone can follow along during the service. Everything you need to know to participate in our worship service should be in the bulletin.  It indicates when the congregation will stand, the words to the Lord’s Prayer and other unison and responsive prayers, as well as where to find the music selections we sing together.  


  • Sharing our Joys and Concerns – During the service we carve out a time when members/friends request prayers and share their joys and concerns of the week. This practice is open to anyone who wishes to speak.  A deacon can provide a microphone to ensure all can hear.  These thoughts are then recognized in our pastoral prayer and time of silence.  If you are a bit ‘microphone shy’, you can also share a prayer request with a deacon or our minister before the service, and the minister will be happy to include it in the pastoral prayer. In addition, we have a candle screen at the front of the sanctuary where at any time you are welcome to light a prayer candle and/or leave a written prayer request, or a Deacon can do so for you.


  • Offering – Toward the end of the service, the deacons pass the offering plates through the pews. This is a free will offering to support the facilities and ministries of the local and wider church.  We recognize the time, talents, and treasures being offered to God with the Doxology and unison prayer of dedication.


  • Communion – The first week of each month, we celebrate communion. Communion is open to all who want to participate in the remembrance of Jesus’ last meal with his disciples, including children at their parents’ discretion.  We substitute grape juice instead of wine so that all can be included.  Again the program will guide you in the prayers and music of communion.  


  • Fellowship – Following some Sunday services, we enjoy refreshments and conversation downstairs in our Fellowship Hall…just follow the smell of the coffee.